20+ years of experience in Procurement / Organizational re-design and transformation / Productivity mgmt. / Business Partnering / Sales and Procurement collaboration / Supply Chain / Quality / Team mgmt. / Change mgmt. / Mentoring
Deep knowledge in:
- Automotive Industry and Healthcare
- Direct and Indirect purchasing categories
- New projects & launches, production transfers
- High growth as well as downsizing environments
- (just-in-time) plant performance mgmt., worldwide category mgmt., country coordination & new organizational set up, headquarters
- High Productivity targets, TCO optimization, SRM, Innovation, Pull Supply Chain, Risk Mgmt., Quality, Lean 6 sigma, Value Analysis / Engineering, Cross Divisional Sourcing Project Mgmt., e-sourcing, Procurement Processes and Systems (SOX environment), Req-To-Pay
- Organizational transformation and change management
- Direct, remote, indirect people mgmt.; mentoring
- Teacher in several business schools and universities
- Regular speaker, blogger and author
Specialties: passionate about Procurement, I enjoy leading the value creation to the business through better spend & supplier ecosystem mgmt. by dramatically changing and improving the Procurement function positioning with corresponding organizational optimization. Internal and external business partnering, commercial thinking, challenging and influencing skills jointly with people & talent mgmt., change mgmt., coaching and mentoring are key success factors.
- Automotive Industry and Healthcare
- Direct and Indirect purchasing categories
- New projects & launches, production transfers
- High growth as well as downsizing environments
- (just-in-time) plant performance mgmt., worldwide category mgmt., country coordination & new organizational set up, headquarters
- High Productivity targets, TCO optimization, SRM, Innovation, Pull Supply Chain, Risk Mgmt., Quality, Lean 6 sigma, Value Analysis / Engineering, Cross Divisional Sourcing Project Mgmt., e-sourcing, Procurement Processes and Systems (SOX environment), Req-To-Pay
- Organizational transformation and change management
- Direct, remote, indirect people mgmt.; mentoring
- Teacher in several business schools and universities
- Regular speaker, blogger and author
Specialties: passionate about Procurement, I enjoy leading the value creation to the business through better spend & supplier ecosystem mgmt. by dramatically changing and improving the Procurement function positioning with corresponding organizational optimization. Internal and external business partnering, commercial thinking, challenging and influencing skills jointly with people & talent mgmt., change mgmt., coaching and mentoring are key success factors.
Profesional Experience:
2019-... Novartis Group_Procurement Strategy & Transformation Manager
2015-18 Novartis Group _ Head of Capability Development and Change Management
2012-14 Novartis Group _ Procurement Transformation Program - European Country Lead
2007-12 Novartis _ Head of Sourcing Pharma & Head of Shared Country Procurement NVS Group Spain
2004-07 Faurecia _ Indirect Purchasing Manager Iberia & Group Ind. Services Commodity Manager
2000-04 Faurecia _ JIT Plant Purchasing Manager
1997-00 Valeo_ Buyer
1996 Kiabi - Assistant Product Manager
2018 Change Management_Novartis University_Switzerland
2015 Business Partnering _ Novartis Procurement Academy _ US
2011 Lean 6 Sigma Black Belt training _ Novartis Univeristy_ Switzerland
2010 Senior Leadership _ Novartis University _ Switzerland
2009 Leading Global Project _ Novartis University _ Switzerland
2008 Category Management _ Positive Purchasing/Novartis _ Spain
2008 Leading at the Front Line _ Novartis University _ Switzerland
2003 Faurecia Purchasing _ Faurecia University _ France
1996-97 MAI _ Master Achats Industriels _ BEM High Business School _ France
1993-96 ESC Lille _ High Business School _ France
Full and detailed profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephane-morel/7/aa7/233
2020 CPONet_VIII Latam & Spain Conference_ Future of Procurement
2020 PWA_Future of Procurement
2020 SLIMSTOCK_Challenges and key success factors for recovery
2019 B2B Sales Congress_III edition_The Procurement vision for an efficient sales process
2019 SLIMSTOCK Barcelona_Collaboration between Procurement and Supply Chain
2018 CPONet_VI conferencia_ Business Partnering2018 SLIMSTOCK_Conferencia Madrid_Collaboration between Procurement and Supply Chain
2016 EADA _ Social Selling _ The Procurement world
2016 PSML Procurement Conference_ From Art to Science
2016 LOGY Conference 2016_ Procurement need to progress from Art to Science
2015 IFPSM _ Procurement Mega Trends
2015 GPM _ Procurement Transformation
2014 EADA Business Alumni _ Procurement Transformation
2014 XXII eSourcing Forum Isoco _ Future trends in Procurement
2014 Allan LLoyds - Innovation through SRM and Crowdsourcing
2014 Accenture _ Sustainability 24 _ Driving value through Innovation
2014 XVII Congreso Profesional de AERCE _ SRM vs Crowdsourcing
2013 XX eSourcing Forum Isoco _ Innovation in Procurement
2013 XVI Congreso Profesional de AERCE _ Talent Management in Procurement
2012 Jornadas de Reflexión Euronics _ Value creation through Category Management
2012 IX Congreso Anceco _ Procurement: Value creation, growth in a complex & efficient model
2012 Everis - Total Cost of Ownership as key pilar of Category Management & Productivity Mgt
2012 Ariba Event_ Procurement Reengineering: from tactical Purchasing to strategic Sourcing
2010 IQS _ Procurement contribution: from Price to Total Cost of Ownership & Spend Mgt
2009 IQS _ Outsourcing of the Procurement function / Novartis case
2008 IQS _ How Procurement function contributes to P&L, Bottom & Top Lines
2008 Compras Summit _ From Purchasing to Sourcing / Novartis case
2007 Marcusevans _ Sourcing Initiatives & Project Management
Teaching & Training:
2008-... Master International Purchasing - IQS (Barcelona & Madrid)
2013-17 Diploma Sourcing-Gestión estrategica de compras - Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (Chile)
2013-... EADA (Barcelona)
2017-18 CEU (Barcelona)